Friday Before We Leave For Home

Friday was a very special day.  We might have left for home on Friday except it was Grandparents Day at the school.   And Ava had never had Grandparents  in town on that special day.  So we took Ava and Carson to school then waited for the festivities to begin.  Asheville Christian Academy is a marvelous school.  Very impressive and the event was was nice.    We met first in the auditorium with introduction for the grandparents while the children were in their classrooms.  Ava insisted that I stay with her in her class the entire time and so Carson decided that Papa must stay with him the whole time.  In the middle when it was time to switch,  Ava said no.   So Papa took photos of Carson and his class while I worked puzzles and observed Theater readings in Ava's second grade class room.    It was very adorable.

We viewed the children's art in the hallway.  This lizard was one of Carson's creations.  There were others.
And Carson had made a craft for Grandparents....A special spice tea and he gave it to Nana. 
The children did activities with Mrs Snooks and Papa said it was so cute.
This is one of Ava's art pieces.  Very creative.
Ava was very excited.
And very snuggle with me.
Mrs Bishop
After an hour in the classroom we all went to the auditorium for a special musical program.  The second graders were up first singing.

And after that the other children participated in the program.

When the program was over, we went to the library for the book fair.  They each picked out one book and one extra item -- Ava's was a puzzle which turned out to be a DVD and Carson's was a pointer stick.
Then we went back and picked up Mommie and went to lunch at Papas and Beer, a Mexican restaurant.  We did not eat Papa or Beer but the food was very good.   That evening we celebrated my 72nd birthday early.  I tell about that in another blog. blog   But playing UNO was a lot of fun.

Saturday morning we left for home.   We spent the night in Jackson Tenn. and arrived in Broken Arrow on  Sunday around 6:00 PM.    Babe was happy to see us.

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